I wanted to tell you, Karen Cole, the BLINK UX family and Cathi Rodgveller from Ignite a BIG THANK YOU for having our young ladies from Technology Engineering and Communications High school to come to BLINK UX. We had a great time and our students really gained a lot of insight. We took surveys of the trip yesterday and the data reflected this:
100% of the ladies said this experience helped them form a career plan
90% of the ladies said this experience said this helped them become a better student
100% of the ladies said we should offer these experiences again
We had many of the ladies who said things like this:
“I cannot be scared of failure, but to try again and learn from it”
“I saw people from different backgrounds coming together and working together”
“I saw different women and their different experiences. Makes me think of my future”
“Don’t give up, no matter how long it takes”
These comments by these young ladies speak to the impact you had on them yesterday. I am really excited about partnering with you in the future moving forward. These young ladies really enjoyed how you all were able to relate to them and how you made them feel valued while imparting a message of hope for them as young ladies in the technology field.
Thank you again!!
Roderick C. Booker