The event began with split tours. One of the Xbox Department and the other, the Retail Store. Thank you Jessie, Linda, and Esther for being such gracious tour guides. After the tours, the girls were treated to a fabulous pizza lunch and then to a panel of Microsoft female employees: Ani Babain, Amanda Hui, Brenna Duffitt, Liz Duong, and Erin Schauble. Holly Muenchow from MS was the facilitator as each woman shared advice from their own experiences navigating the students through their education and career journey. The students asked so many questions of the panel we literally ran over the scheduled time. As the event came to an end, the Microsoft women were actively sought out by the students begging for selfies with them. They were so excited and pumped they could not contain their enthusiasm. The girls are stoked about careers in technology and engineering after attending this Microsoft event.
After attending this event:
of students are more
interested in STEM
of students want to
study harder and graduate
of students would like to
take a STEM course next semester
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"I enjoyed learning both career and lifestyle information from the presenters." - Victoria L
"They inspired me and made me realize that girls can do more than they think they can." - Samantha P
"It helped me realize I can be anyone who I want to be as long as I put more effort in it." -Yulia L
"This has inspired me to start looking into a career field I did not know existed."- Ella C
"This event has inspired me to do what I enjoy, to take a few risks, and be a little unplanned." -Austyn S
"They opened my eyes to how much women can do in the workplace." - Sherie M
Thank you, Ignite and all the Microsoft employees for inspiring these young ladies to go forth and achieve their dreams