This blog post is written by a student from Washington High School.
“On February 28th, 2019, we went to Boeing for an IGNITE Field Trip!
I had a great experience with all the amazing women who told us their stories. Monesa Unger talked to us about the the percentage of women that worked in Boeing, and how it is growing.
We also watched a video of women reading letters sent back to women many years ago, about how women were not accepted into colleges for engineering and software. This is because back then, they believed women didn’t know how to do these things, but women have proven that wrong in so many ways.
We also did some brainstorming about the topics of unmanned aircrafts, and going to Mars in the near future. We had great discussions about these topics.
I personally enjoyed listening to the panel members’ stories. Jennifer Davis, who has worked for Boeing for about 29 years, had many interesting facts to share about how she got started working for Boeing. I appreciated hearing all the unconventional stories the panel members had to tell about how they defeated social norms saying what women should do. They told us how they became software engineers and how they got into technical fields.
It was a great experience, and I learned more about what I could eventually do in the future!”
~ Taylor D.
Thank you, to the amazing volunteers at Boeing who put on this event for Franklin Pierce and Washington High School girls!
After attending this event:
of girls/non-binary students are more interested in STEM
of girls/non-binary students want to study harder to attend college and further their education
of girls/non-binary students want to investigate taking a STEM related course next semester
Here’s what the students enjoyed most:
“All the speakers who shared their struggles and how they overcame them was very inspirational. They pulled through even when it got too hard, and refused to let another’s opinion mislead them.”
– 12th grade
“The video, and the fact that we need more women engineers inspired me a lot.”
– 10th grade
“The tour was my favorite, all of the role models inspired me.”
– 9th grade
“My favorite part of the day was doing the activity where we tried to solve problems with our mentors. I was inspired by hearing the ladies’ stories.”
– 12th grade
“I loved collaborating with a group and working with the professionals to get ideas. Also, the stories.”
– 12th grade