On October 28, 2021, IGNITE students in 6th and 7th grades attending Primary School in Kąty Wrocławskie in Poland met live with a nanotechnology expert.

Ms. Aleksandra Chudzyńska, a Research and Development Engineer at Nanores, loved to play chess and ride horses as a girl. When she was a teenager, her parents took her for a trip to Wroclaw. When she saw the city for the first time, she knew that she wanted to study there.
Her parents were chemists, and she thought that she would also study chemistry. However, when she was in her final year of high school, Aleksandra learned that the Perspektywy Foundation offered a scholarship for girls in Information Technology. She decided to give electronics and telecommunication a chance at the Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, where she was one of only 5 girls in her year.

During her studies, she participated in a 6-month mentoring program organized by the Perspektywy Foudation. Her mentor was Ewa Drozd from Microsoft, who focused on developing Ms. Aleksandra’s soft skills.
She also participated in a Siemens workshop and traveled to Hannover Messe, one of the world’s largest trade fairs, where she was amazed by the technologies she encountered.
Through an internship in the Nanores laboratory, she realized that nanotechnology is her true passion.

Ms. Aleksandra quizzed the girls on images of different objects under a microscope and explained more about her work with nanotechnologies.

Girls were very interested and active during the event.
We would like to thank Ms. Aleksandra Chudzyńska for sharing her passion, Ms. Monika Małecka for coordinating the group and encouraging girls, and IGNITE Worldwide CEO and Founder Cathi Rodgveller for her constant support.
After attending this event:
Here’s what the students thought of the event:
“I would like to become such a person.” – 6th grade
“She has a very fascinating job.” – 6th grade
“I’m full of admiration.” – 6th grade