After this event:
of girls are more interested in STEM
of girls want to study harder to attend college and further their education
Comments from the Girls:
"I look forward to working at Roblox"
"I enjoyed what women were saying about what they did to get to their job"
"I enjoyed looking at how they create the clothes and it inspired me to be an engineer"
"I liked that we got to brainstorm an idea for a game. It inspired me to not give up."
"I enjoyed when the women were talking about themselves. This inspired me because I know that women can do lots of things you just have to persevere."
"Something that I enjoyed from this event was making a plan for the games that we could create. This inspired me by making me want to create a game."
"Showed me how cool it is to work at Roblox"
"I really enjoyed the part with the avatars and costumes because I am very artistic. This has inspired me to never give up on my dreams."