TAF at Google


Thursday, May 30, 2019 | Technology Access Foundation at Google | written by a TAF student

On May 30th, a small group of girls/non-binary students from Technology Access Foundation went on an IGNITE Field Trip to Google! This was IGNITE's first Google Field Trip, and it was a huge success. Read the following recap of the trip from a TAF student:

"Going to Google was an amazing experience. It really opened my eyes to the new work fields that they have at Google. When Jessica was giving us the tour, it was a beautiful place! Every time we went into a different section of the building, there was a new piece of amazing abstract art.

The thing that really sparked my attention was the fact that they had food available everywhere, a workout room, a massage area, and places to sleep!

The reason why that all caught my attention was because of the fact that they are giving people these things to get their work done and trusting them. These are amazing opportunities. Not just putting people in cubicles while they work, but giving them space to work and connect with their peers. Treating their employees like people, not being isolated in boxes but giving them the freedom to go outside the box and create their own ideas.

It has really changed my perspective on certain things and I'm really considering going into the Google STEM industry."

A huge thank you to the amazing volunteers and panel speakers at Google who made this experience possible!




After attending this event:


of girls/non-binary students are more interested in STEM


of girls/non-binary students want to investigate taking a STEM related course next semester


of girls/non-binary students want to study harder to attend college and further their education

Here's what the students enjoyed most:

"I think being able to talk one on one with someone and being able to see their work environment really made me enjoy my time there. What inspired me was the other ladies that told me about their experience of being a women in tech. I realized it was a lot harder for them, so if they can do it so can I."

- 9th grade

"I enjoyed how comfortable people are and how relaxing the work space is, it inspired me to see things in a different way and not always stress about things or that you can work and be happy."

- 9th grade

"The freedom, trust, and respect given to employees."

- 9th grade

"I liked seeing the women in Google discuss their careers and the hardships they went through to get where they are today."

- 9th grade

"The different themes and all the abstract art they had."

- 9th grade