Women In IT of the Gates Foundation w/ extended Q&A!
Teachers, be sure to take our 6 minute teacher training before signing up for the event.
Only teachers can sign up for IGNITE events. If you are a student, please let the IGNITE Teacher at your school know that you are interested in this event. If you don’t have IGNITE at your school, please email contactus@ignite-worldwide.org to get started!
Please join our Women in IT of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Meet women who use technology to help people all around the world lead healthy, productive lives, from combating hunger and poverty to increasing access to education! We have a diverse panel with assorted experience and a passion for women representation in the IT profession.
We look forward to our Ignite Worldwide events every year and always enjoy our dialogue with intelligent and curious young women and non-binary students just like you! Students will hear women in STEM tell their stories, share their challenges, and how they overcame them. Students will then participate in a live question and answer session with the panelists!
There will also be plenty of time for a Q&A discussion, and you will have the opportunity to join an additional Q&A session after the event so your students can continue their engagement!