Volunteer Resources

Resources to Share Your Story

IGNITE will provide you with everything STEM professionals like you need to connect with students and share your journey and experiences in the most inspirational way!

Planning and General Reference

Panelist Resources

Other Volunteer Role Resources

Facilitator Resources

Tech Host Resources

Breakout Room Leader Resources (Virtual)

Small Group Leader Resources (In-Person)

Zoom Co-Host Resources

Other Event/Post-Event Resources

IGNITE Volunteers are Representational Role Models

IGNITE Worldwide serves any student who identifies as a young woman or girl, regardless of assignment at birth. The IGNITE Program also welcomes students who identify as non-binary or gender non-conforming and seek woman and girl-focused STEM programming.

IGNITE Worldwide is committed to providing participating students with relatable role models who reflect their own intersectional identities, socio-economic statuses, and diverse backgrounds.

We encourage women and gender-diverse individuals of all backgrounds to volunteer as panelists. Individuals of all genders are welcome to volunteer in non-panelist roles and join the greater IGNITE community as allies to gender equity in STEM.

Sign Up to Volunteer with IGNITE

Volunteer opportunities range from in-person to virtual events. Roles include panelist, facilitator, tech host, and more!

Questions? Contact Us!

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