Your Role: Day-of Your Event
The day of your event, your role as an IGNITE Educator includes:
- Attend your event with your students! Remember, your excitement for IGNITE Events is contagious—how you act during events will influence students’ interest and engagement.
- For all virtual events, please remain logged in and active throughout.
- Greet your students and be prepared to share STEM classes and clubs that are available at your school. Every IGNITE Event includes time for you to introduce yourself and share these opportunities so students know how to continue exploring their interests after your event and know that you are there as their advocate.
- Communicate any changes or delays that occur day-of. For in-person events, we ask that you communicate directly with company volunteers with any day-of updates.
- For virtual events, keep in mind that the event agenda is very tight and volunteers will be starting at the scheduled time, even if students are still getting settled. We highly recommend setting up the space ahead of time and ensuring all devices are charged and fully operational, including microphones and webcams.
- Take photos of your students participating in the event. Even if your event is virtual, we love to see what’s happening on the other side of the screen!
- For virtual and at-school events, be prepared with a plan to ensure all students complete the Student Survey during the last 10 minutes of the event, using either the digital link or a printed copy of the form provided.

For In-Person, at-school Panels and Workshops:
- Ensure you or another school representative is available to greet volunteers as they arrive.
- Print copies of the Sample Panel Questions for students to reference during the Q&A.
- Make sure all students can see and hear panelists and other volunteers. We suggest a microphone if necessary.
- Panels: We ask that you serve as facilitator for in-person Panels at your school, which includes giving a short introduction (script provided by IGNITE) and moderating the student Q&A.
- Workshops: A volunteer will facilitate, but please kick off the event by welcoming everyone and introducing the volunteers. You will also moderate the student Q&A during the Panel for these events.