Share about your job
After introductions, your Lead Panelist will ask: “Now, let’s each share what we do at work day to day. What do you like most about your job?” Your response should take no more than 60 seconds.
Give a brief description of what you do at your job in language an IGNITE student of any age could understand. It’s helpful to include examples of products and processes you’ve worked on—especially those that might be familiar to your audience! For example, you could ask students to raise their hand if they’ve heard of your company or utilized one of your products, or call on a student to share their favorite phone app or video game. Don’t be afraid to engage the students!
“I work as a Data Scientist—can anyone guess what that means?“
“My job is in Cybersecurity, which is like being a hacker. Has anyone heard of a hacker? Did you know you could do it as a job?!“
“I’m a Project Manager. That means I’m the boss of my team! Have you ever had to work together with your friends to do something for school? I’m like your teacher—I tell my team what needs to get done and I help everyone learn how to do it!“
Next, what is it about your job that you LOVE? Why would you encourage students to pursue a similar career? Your excitement around what you do and why can make a life-lasting impact on the students. This is a great opportunity for a visual aid: share something exciting from your career, like your badge or a uniform, a tool you use at work, or a project or product you’ve worked on.