Virtual Clinical Research Experience with Seattle Clinical Research Center

Virtual Clinical Research Work-Based Learning Experience with Seattle Clinical Research Center

Only teachers, counselors, or adult staff members at a school can sign up for IGNITE events. If you are a student, please let the IGNITE Educator at your school know that you are interested in this event. If you don’t have IGNITE at your school, please email to get started!

Educators, be sure to take our short 2024-2025 educator training before signing up for this event.

You’ve probably heard about all the wild names for medications, vaccines, and drugs on the radio, social media, or TV, and now you can create your own! If you could design a medication, vaccine, or medical device to address a health problem, what would you make? Walk through the steps of designing your very own clinical trial and design your logo and slogan!

Students will critically think about identifying a real-world problem that needs a solution. They will learn about clinical trial set up and think through some obstacles that could come up. They will also have the opportunity to design and brand their medication or trial, making use of their creative expression.

This Virtual Work-Based Learning Experience is available nationwide, virtually, to students in grades 9-12.